A few weeks ago, in a bout that lasted a mere 3 1/2 hours, Anderson defeated Wilson by way of TKO.
I had gone shopping and left Anderson with Wilson. I had been telling Wilson earlier that Anderson had gotten much more fussy in the past weeks but I don't think he really got it until he had to handle it/see it for himself. When I got home from my shopping trip, I came home to find a very frazzled father. I immediately took the baby and started soothing him as Wilson collapsed on the couch in utter defeat.
W: Is he always like this?
Me: At times yes, but not always.
W: This must be the worst you've seen.
Me: Oh no. I've seen him much worse.
W: Really?
Me: Yeah. You didn't last long though. Only 3 hours? That's nothing.
W: I don't know how you do it. You can't get anything done.
So who's the real winner here? ME! Ever since, that weekend, I've gotten a whole lot more respect. Before, Wilson had noted that he was doing most of the chores around the house and that I was hardly doing any of them during the day when I was home. I tried to explain to him that
at best, I could get maybe one thing done - like one load of laundry or unload the dishwasher. He asked if I could try a little harder.... This is where I bit my tongue because I know my husband and I knew he wouldn't get it until he experienced it for himself. Now that he's taken care of Anderson by himself a few times, he knows that you really can't do anything else but take care of him. And those few times that you have to do something else, you want to eat, sleep or go to the bathroom.
Now, ever since that fateful day, I am now thanked profusely if I do
anything during the day. If he comes home to a load of laundry folded, "Thank you for doing the laundry!" He also tries to finish his work as quickly as he can so that he can come home earlier to give me a break. And those dreams of me making a bilzion dollars so he could be a stay-at-home-dad? Squashed. He had asked me if I had the option to be a stay-at-home-mom, would I do it? I would. I asked him the question right back and he said no. He said that now that he has a glimpse of what it's like, as much as he loves his son more than anything, he doesn't not have the patience or temperament to do it. And he admitted that his respect for me and how I am with the baby has skyrocketed through the roof. He even said that my primary job is to take care of Anderson and anything on top of that is just gravy.
So yes, the real winner here is me.
And for the record, in all matches thus far between Wilson and Anderson, Anderson is undefeated! In matches between Anderson and me, I'd say we're about even. I've won a few, he's won a few.