At 4 months we had another well-baby visit and got his stats:
Weight: 14lbs 5oz (40th percentile)
Length: 23.75 inches (10th percentile)
Head Circumference: 41cm (20th percentile)
So he didn’t grow that much, but no one expects him to; again, it’s not like his parents are all that tall. His weight is right on track and he’s packing on the pounds.
Anderson at 4 months: (I realize to non-parents, this is utterly boring but believe me, when you have a child, any new thing they do is BIG news and the most amazing thing you’ve ever seen.)
- He’s playing with toys now which is really fun. He’ll actually grab and reach for things. I guess he doesn’t really play with them per se. “Playing” is him trying to shove everything in his mouth. His favorite toy by far is his “O” ball since it is so easy to grab. He’ll even hold this with both hands. But since it’s a ball, he gets really frustrated that not more of it can fit in his mouth.
- He’s constantly sucking these days. Sometimes it’s his fingers, sometimes it’s just his thumb. Sometimes he’ll try to get his whole fist in there. He’s always making himself gag but doesn’t seem to learn (and more importantly nothing has come up from this).
- He can switch hands! A lot of times he’ll be holding one toy in one hand and sucking on his fingers in the other. Once in awhile, he’ll decide that he wants to suck his other hand and put the toy in the other hand!
- He sits up very well with support. He can sit in his Bumbo and “play” with his toys.
- He still loves to read books.
- His favorite song is “If You’re Happy and you Know it”
- When lying on his back, he can roll onto his side easily. He’s thisclose to rolling onto his back. I think he can do it. I think the issue is if he wants to do it.
- On the morning of November 22, 2008 he rolled over for the first time from his tummy to his back. He had done it a couple of times before but I think they were on accident. This time, he really did it on his own and continues to do so. Of course, this makes getting in tummy time difficult because he knows how to get out of it but it’s so fun to watch him roll over and over again.
- Sleeping is still the same although we are trying to ween him off swaddling. Only one arm is swaddled now.
- He’s not a very good napper, sleeping only 20-30min at a time. Sometimes he’ll surprise us with an hour nap but it’s rare.
- We’re not starting solids until he’s 5 months but he did get a little taste of a mashed banana on my finger and seemed to really like it. We held up an apple to his mouth to see if he wanted to suck on it. Uhh….he did not.
Last but not least, his monthly pictures:

Anderson watches football with Wilson and Sundays. Of course he roots for the Chicago Bears!

And him doing the thing he loves to do. Putting toys in his mouth: