I did remember to take his 5 month picture:

Is it me or did he grow a lot this past month?! I didn't think he did but looking at these two pictures, I can really tell the difference. There's a slideshow at the end of this post from 1 month to 6 months! (It might take a little while to load)
His 6 month stats:
Weight: 16.1 lbs (25th percentile)
Height: 25.25 inches (10th percentile)
First off, I'll have to say that this has been such a fun age for us. We've loved every minute of the 5-6 month age so far. He readily responds to you and he's such a smiley, happy guy. He'll smile at almost everybody and will laugh out loud. It's so great.
He still has milk 4-5 times a day and has two meals - breakfast and dinner. Breakfast is usually a fruit with some rice cereal. Dinner is usually a vegetable. So far we've tried apples, sweet potatoes, butternut squash, avocado, bananas and pears. Apples and sweet potatoes are a big hit! He makes a face when first tastes avocado but he keep eating it. I think he just needs to get used to the taste for the first couple of bites. We think he might be allergic to bananas and butternut squash so we've stopped feeding it to him. His face gets red and blotchy but it goes away in a couple of hours. I think we'll try it again when he's a little older. We just started pears and he seems to really like it. He's recognizing when food is coming and it's so funny to watch. His eyes get really big and he'll stretch his arms out and sometimes gives a little yell as if to say "Gimme!" He also loves chilling in his high chair. He's also pretty clean eater; we rarely give him a bib anymore.
We're trying to give him some juice and water but it's really hard to try to teach a child to drink from a cup (or sippy cup). If we give him the sippy cup, he readily holds it and puts it in his mouth but ends up just chewing on the spout. We've tried just letting him drink out of a cup but it ends up all over his shirt rather than in his mouth. If anyone has tips/advice, I'd gladly take it!
Like I mentioned before, he's a pretty happy kid for the most part. When we wake him up in the morning, he'll take a minute to stretch and think about what's happening, and then he'll break out into a big smile. It seems pretty easy to make him smile since he'll pretty much smile at anything and everything. He laughs out loud too and it's just about the best sound in the world.
As I mentioned in the previous post, he started rolling from his back to his tummy on Christmas day. A real accomplishment! And in just two short weeks, he's become an expert roller. So much so that I think we'll have to spend some time this weekend babyproofing our house. He'll roll all the way across the room if we let him. And he came dangerously close to rolling into our fireplace the other day (hence, we need to babyproof). He'll even roll to get a toy every now and then. He's very close to sitting up on his own. He can do okay if he puts his arms out for balance but he doesn't stay there for too long. We can see him trying to sit up more so I know he's working on it.
He still puts everything in his mouth and loves looking at himself in the mirror. He also loves being thrown up into the air (this is quite a workout since he is 16 lbs now!). He also likes "flying" - we put him in flying position and we fly him around the house.
Oh, and he is a BIG talker. He talks quite a bit and is sometimes very loud. Sometimes he'll sigh really big before going on and on, almost as if he's saying "I had it really tough today. Let me tell you about it..."
Here are some pics from Christmas:
I haven't been able to experiment with my camera that much lately, but here is a pic I took while trying to work on setting up different shots and poses. You can see how enamoured he is with himself in the mirror.