For Memorial Day, we went up to Seattle to visit my brother. My parents also came in from Chicago so it was one big family reunion. The weather was absolutely perfect! Sunny and high60s/low 70s every day. My perfect summer. Most of the time was spent hanging out, watching Anderson play and figure out how to climb stairs (we have no stairs at our house), watching him throw balls and him chase after it.
One of the most exciting things (for us parents at least) was that he started cruising! He would walk back and forth along the couch as we would put toys on one end to entice him to come to the other side. It's a big accomplishment. He also learned how to climb up stairs, but not down. He still heads down stairs head first. So...we're working on that.
There was also continued talk of Anderson's hair, but this time is was how much it's grown! It's grown so much that we decided to style it and spike all of it up. (Too bad you can't see it)

We also got to meet Alex, my brother's girlfriend's nephew. Their family invited us all over for a lovely brunch and play time for the boys at a park.

We started off on the swings, which Alex loved. But Anderson...not so much. He seemed kind of indifferent to it, and then he looked sleepy. And then he looked like he was getting nauseous so we moved onto something else. The slide. At least it looked like he was starting to enjoy himself a little more.

Since it was pretty sunny all weekend, it was a struggle to get him to wear a hat. Usually, we'd have to quickly distract him with something else if that hat was going to stay on for more than 12 seconds. Here is a rare hat picture.

We had ideas of going to the zoo, but when we found out how expensive it was (and thought that most of it would be lost on Anderson) we decided to go see one of his favorite things. Trees. The kid loves trees. He loves trees so much that he will stand outside the window and just look at it blow wind. So we headed to the Washington Park Arboretum. It was really pretty and since it was such a gorgeous day outside, a walk in a beautiful park was a really nice way to spend the afternoon.