Sunday, August 17, 2008

What's in a name?

So we've gotten a couple of inquiries as to how we came up with the name Anderson. First of all - NO, we did not name him after Anderson Cooper OR Anderson "the Spider" Silva (from UFC). We actually had his name picked even before we knew we were expecting!

Last August, we were driving up to Bend, OR to visit our friends Jeff and Laura. We were driving up I-5 and drove through Anderson Valley and thought that would be a really nice name if we ever had a son. Ironically, it also met both our families patterns for first names. In Wilson's family, everyone has "son" in their name. And in my family, both my name and my brother's name starts with "A". It was perfect! And it was the only name that both of us really liked.

As for his middle name, we first wanted to use Wilson as the middle name but it just didn't sound right, so we went with the closest name, William, to give a nod to his father.

One last note: It's Anderson. Not Andy. It's Anderson.

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