Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Two Months!

Anderson is 2 months old today! We went for his well-baby visit and got his stats:

Weight: 11 lbs 1oz (35th percentile)
Length: 22.5 inches (35th percentile)
Head Circumference: 37.5cm (10th percentile)

He's growing well and everything looks good. He's a little on the small side but he's very well proportioned. He's happy and healthy and that's all that really matters. He also got his first set of shots which he took very well. It did make him sleepy for most of the day, but if that's the only side effect, I can live with that.

So what is he like at 2 months?
  • He loves being upright, either sitting or standing. Of course we help him. He's also fine chillin in his boppy. He actually hates being held like a baby unless he's tired and wants to go to sleep.
  • He loves being on the changing pad. Which is weird because earlier, he would scream bloody murder if he touched that thing. You would think we were physically harming this child, but we were just changing his diaper.
  • He's also really starting to like his baths!
  • He loves clapping hands (we help with this) and singing songs.
  • He loves playing "Tour de France" (bicycling his legs to help develop muscles)
  • And of course, he smiles and laughs and coos. This is by far the best thing. I only happens a few times a day, but you live for this moments. We even have video of it!

This slide show didn't really turn out the way I wanted to, mainly because I realize that the 1 month picture is much tighter, thus making him actually look bigger than his 2 month. Oh well. I still think it's kinda cool. I'll do a better job next time at being more consistent.


Unknown said...

Happy 2 Months Anderson!!

Jill De Guzman said...

Happy 2 months! You really are growing fast!