Sadly, the day after the trip to the pumpkin patch and two weeks before Halloween, Anderson came down with the swine flu. Yes, the dreaded swine flu. It was pretty tough there for a week. A week of super high fevers, making sure he was comfortable, him coughing himself awake and not sleeping much through the night. Wilson actually slept in his room that whole week. It was rough. But, he's alright and it was much less worse than we were anticipating.
Luckily, it only lasted a week and he was all better by the time Halloween rolled around. Yay! Because I had been waiting all month to get him in that costume and parade him around. First, there was the school party:
I wasn't about to waste his cuteness on just the school and neighborhood, so I took him to my work's Halloween party! Here they had pumpkins laid out for all the kiddies and Anderson was really into lifting them and hoarding them.

At least he's using good form. Lift with your legs buddy!

Ahh....these are all mine.

The next day, we went trick-or-treating with our friends and their daughter Kyra who was dressed as a monkey this year. Unfortunately, Anderson was too young to say "Trick-or-treat." We left that up to Kyra. But he sure got the hang of it! He's very into buckets and any sort of containers. So when he figured out we were going from house to house and people were putting things in his bucket, he was loving it! He was SO into it. After two houses, he was running from house to house wanting to get more. He has no idea what candy was (mom and dad ate all his loot) but he was thrilled to be collecting this to put into his little felt Frankenstein bucket I got from the $1 aisle at Target. Before we could go, we needed to get the kiddies lined up for their Halloween 2009 picture. Unfortunately, that took a little while.
First, Anderson wouldn't have any of it. He did not want to stand and take a picture.

Then after a little coaxing, he looks at me and says "Awww...mama, do I really need to take a picture?" Yes son, you really do.

Yay! Picture finally taken!

Once that was done, Anderson was outta there....

First house. He hasn't quite gotten that the candy goes in the bucket, so when the person handed it to him, he just took it and bolted. I later had to show him that the candy goes in the bucket. He was thrilled.

Here's a nice shot of the little stinger :)

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