So first, it looked like this: a pile of wood (that's not all of it. Some are to the side since they've already been cut and I got into the picture taking a little late)

Then, following the cut list that Knock Off Wood provides, he cut all/most of the wood according to the specified dimensions using a T to make sure the cuts were straight. Making straight cuts is really important. Good thing we got those sawhorses the day after Thanksgiving for $10! And to think that I actually rolled my eyes when Wilson said he NEEDED sawhorses.

Next, to give the wood a soft feel, we decided it best to sand the furniture at two different points. (Yes we as I pop in on the project very often and want to be consulted at every point) Once when the wood was still in pieces as that would be the easiest way to sand. We used 120 ct sandpaper and actually purchased a sander to do the job. We got the cheapest orbital sander that Lowes offers. Hopefully it won't be a one time use. I'm crossing my fingers that it will be used for the upcoming entertainment center that will be built if this bed turns out as expected. Here's Wilson with the first round of sanding with the 120 ct sandpaper. All those dots you see in the picture are saw dust. I gave Wilson a mask, but he didn't use it :(

Done! I think he only did the pieces for the headboard and the footboard since those were to be built first. I don't think he did any of the railings yet. Anyway, on to building of the headboard and footboard! In these pics, Wilson is using a finisher to put the nails slightly deeper into the wood and he'll later cover them with wood putty and sand it so you don't see any nails.

The headboard and footboard are almost complete. This is what they look like now:


Wilson just needs to attach the other posts to each of them and then they are done! I think it's looking pretty good so far! Unfortunately, he hasn't been able to work on it since due to the fact that he is now sick. And if you look at the pictures, you'll see that he is only wearing shorts and a t-shirt with flip-flops while working in the garage with the doors open. Hmmm.....maybe not the best choice of clothes in cold weather. Cold meaning mid-50s and you're already starting to feel under the weather.
He just informed me that he's hoping to finish up this bed this weekend! Which means that I get to go pick out some paint for the bed! He also said that this time, he'll wear sweatpants and maybe, just maybe, a long sleeved shirt.
(He just popped in to see what I was doing and wanted to note that he is wearing TWO t-shirts while building the bed for extra warmth. yeah.)
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