Anderson was born 16 days early. And at my 37 week appointment, my doctor said I was 2.5 cm dilated an 80% effaced! And it could happen any day for me. And it actually happened the next day. My water broke and I went into labor.
So, when it came to around 37 weeks when I was pregnant with Lauren, I fully expected pretty much the same progress. If I was early with my first, then I should be early with my 2nd, right? So when they checked me at 37 weeks and I was ZERO cm dilated, but 60% effaced, it was pretty much a letdown. I knew I hadn't had as many contractions with Lauren, but I didn't expect ZERO! So then I resigned to the fact that this baby was going to be (gasp) on time. Wha wha wha....
One week later....(9 days before due date)
I think I woke up around 3:30am with some strong contractions. I think I sat in bed for a good 15 minutes before Wilson woke up and realized that I was starting to have strong regular contractions. After 30 minutes of them being 8 minutes apart, we decided to call Wilson's mom to come over and watch Anderson while we made our way to the hospital. We got up, got ready, finished packing our bag (I decided to wait to pack my tolietries, thinking I would just throw everything in there at the last minute) and that didn't take too long. So I went ahead and plugged in my straightening iron to pretty up my hair a little. I didn't dry it night before so it was just a little wonky. And I didn't really want it to look wonky in any pictures. So, I straightened my hair. Don't worry. I was very safe about it. As soon as I started feeling the contractions coming back, I quickly put down that straightening iron. Of course, Wilson yelled at me that this wasn't that important. I yelled back "I beg to differ. Plus, we can't do anything until your mom gets here anyway!" We were just waiting around. Might as well be productive, right?
By the time we got checked into the hospital, it was just after 5 am. The nurse got me set up in the room (right next to the one Anderson was born in!) and checked me. 6 cm and 90% effaced!!! Woohoo! My body was workin! We got settled in, the doctor came in to give me my epidural (I had briefly thought about not getting it, but I hated how I couldn't talk to anybody and hated the sound of anyone talking to me and hated anyone touching me. I wanted to be in a good mood while having this little girl so I went ahead and got it, but asked for the lowest possible dose they could give me, which the doctor kindly agreed to because my blood pressure was quite low to begin with). My OB came in and checked on me, realized that I was starting to go backwards, so he decided to break my water to make sure we were going in the right direction. I think that was around 7am. The nurse came in to check on me and told me to tell her if I started feeling any pressure. I think it was maybe 30-40 minutes later that I told Wilson I started to feel something. I wasn't sure what it was, it was probably nothing, but we should call the nurse anyway. She came in, peeked and her eyes got really wide. "You're ready to go!"
Soon, things started happening real fast. All those people came in, the baby incubator was wheeled in. The nurse asked if I remembered how to push. Kinda. So she said maybe we should do some practice pushes before the doctor came. Ok. Got into position and gave it my all. Halfway, she yelled "STOP!" And told another nurse to get Dr. Scates right now. I remember waiting for a little while and feeling the need to push. Wilson asked how I felt and I said I feel like she's right there. The nurse responded with "Yes, she is right there." Finally, Dr. Scates came in and it was show time. I started pushing at 8:25 am, gave some really great pushes, and at 8:29 am, Lauren was born.
Lauren Abigail Jang was born on June 3, 2011 weighing 6 lbs 6 oz and 19.5 inches long.

I remember saying something like "That's it?" before I heard her sweet little cry.
Look at all that hair!