Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Water Table

You know when you bring home your first baby, there's that moment where both parents are home and you can bask in the joy of your new baby while at home. Soaking it all in, easing yourself back into the daily routine of life. Well, that doesn't happen with your second child. The minute you get home, you have to hit the ground running because you have the first child who still needs/desires/craves your attention. We knew it would be a hard transition for Anderson so we really tried to do our best with making sure he got the attention he needed in the first few weeks of Lauren being born. We didn't want to shock him with a new member of the family and suddenly drop off in the attention that was given to him. In fact, I think we played with him more because we were so conscious of him.

The 2nd day we were home with Lauren, Anderson and I made a trip to Target because we needed some premie diapers and clothes for Lauren. All the newborn sized clothes were way too big for her! While there, I decided to pick up a water table for Anderson to play with. The kid loves being outside and playing with water so I thought this would be perfect for him to play with. I'll have to say that I have never been so right about something. This was probably the perfect gift for him and us. He could spend hours outside playing with this water table. Filling up cups and buckets, dumping the water out on plants, himself, us, etc... And the nice thing is that he could play with this by himself as we looked on, sitting exhausted in a chair in the shade with baby Lauren.

Here are some pics of his first time with the water table.

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