There's been a lot of talk about his hair (or lack of it). He's got my hair. It won't come in for 2 years, but once it's in, he'll have it for life. And lots of it. We've also had a few inquiries of whether or not we cut it. That's a no. But in the past couple of months, we've noticed that he's grown quite a bit! Relatively speaking of course. When you have almost no hair at birth, any hair is a lot! In fact, we've even taken a picture of it as proof. Here it is, in all it's glory. His little tuft of hair. Before you know it, he'll be asking daddy for some hair product!
Unfortunately, this past month he's been plagued with illness. He's had a cold and ear infections. Two ear infections to be exact. (But I'm not convinced that the first ear infection really went away.) This past weekend, he had just been diagnosed with an ear infection and given a course of antibiotics, but they weren't working and his fever was skyrocking. So our pediatrician advised us to go to Urgent Care (it was a Saturday) to get him checked out. After testing for influenza and his oxygen levels, they concluded that his antibiotics weren't working and we were given a new prescription. So far, it seems to be working out. The nice thing is that these medicines are tasty and he's more than willing to take them. In fact, he even cried once because there was no more medicine left. (I'm pretty certain that these antibiotics are more sugar than actual antibiotic.) Unfortunately, because he has been sick for...the past month, he's lost weight and is looking pretty skinny. Hopefully, he'll kick this ear infection and cold pretty soon and starting bulking up again.
Another big milestone is that we've started him on puffs! Those puff cereal for babies that dissolve in their mouth. We started him a week ago and he loves them! We break each piece in half because he's not quite ready for a whole one and he does great with them. The first time he tried it, he wrinkled his nose as if to say "Mama, what IS this?" but after a few seconds, he broke out into his toothless grin and opened his mouth for more. We've given him a whole piece a handful of times but to play it safe, we're still giving him half pieces. One of the times we gave him a whole piece, it didn't quite make it into his mouth all the way and it looked like he had little baby fangs!
Don't worry. He learned how to push the rest of it in with his hand. Ah, there we go...
He's also starting to interact with Sammy a little more. For the most part, we've kept Sammy at bay because all he wants to do is give the little guy kisses. Anderson is so intrigued with Sammy. He finds it hilarious when Sammy follows us around (while we're carrying him around the house). He even wanted to share one of his toys with Sammy one day when they were both playing on the ground. Too bad mommy wouldn't allow it. They do seem to have a lot to chat about though.
And here's one more pic just because I think it's so cute
All photo for this month's pictures (except for the monthly picture) was taken by Wilson.
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