I never thought I'd be one of those moms who would enter their child into baby contests, but here I am, entering my son into another one. But, I was encouraged by more than a few people to enter Anderson into the Regis and Kelly/Parenting magazine Beautiful Baby Contest. Plus, if he wins, he'll win a $125,000 scholarship. So really, I'm just starting the scholarship process early and doing my best to ensure his education for the future right?
We had to submit a recent photo (taken within the past month) so we took some pics of Anderson this weekend. (Both Wilson and I took turns in taking pics)
Here is the one we ending up submitting:

Here are some others that didn't make the cut but we thought were cute anyway

He's being such a tease in this one don't you think?

I'm not too happy with the colors in this photo. It looks really off.

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