Wednesday, May 27, 2009

10 Month Update

Oh my goodness. Where do I even start?! Things happen so fast these days and things change every single day. I guess the biggest news is that 2 days shy of his 10 month birthday, the little guy started crawling. He has a little car that he can ride on, or walk behind and he was trying to get to it. He was reaching for it when Wilson decided to move it just beyond his reach. And then....he just went for it! No struggle, just crawled! Now, he is everywhere. And I mean everywhere. He does not sit still. He is always on the move. Sometimes he crawls normally, meaning both knees on the ground. And sometimes he does this crawl/walk where he crawls with one knee and then walks with the other. Wilson calls it is Gollum crawl. (Gollum from Lord of the Rings)

Here are other observations/thoughts/developments:
  • He can pull himself up to standing quite easily now. In fact, we've had to lower his crib down to the lowest standing because we found him standing up in his crib, peering over the edge one morning.
  • He is so much happier now that he can move. He's always been a happy baby but he is just loving his new found freedom. One of his favorite things to do is to crawl over to the coffee table and take down all the magazines off the shelf.
  • He's a clapper. He loves clapping. Seriously loves clapping. One time, I was helping him walk by holding his hands and wanted to get down on the ground. Why? To clap.
  • He loves to laugh and smile. Even at strangers. He's quite the flirt.
  • He's letting us spoon feed him again without a fight but still loves to feed himself. One of his new favorite snacks are Baby Goldfish. It's for him but I see dad sneak in a couple (okay, handfuls) at snack time too.
  • Loves to throw balls (or anything) and then chase after them.
  • Also loves to hold two objects (one in each hand) and knock them together. Each time he does it, he looks up at us for approval, which we gladly give him, and then laughs in delight.
  • Now that he's crawling, he goes for Sammy quite a bit. Unfortunately, all he wants to do is pull on his tail which isn't the smartest thing to do. So far now, we've had to keep them apart. It used to be us yelling at Sammy to leave Anderson alone. Now, it's the opposite.
  • He's starting to get quite ticklish
  • Very vocal and talkative. He definitely says Mama and Dada, although he will babble dadadada throughout the day even when Dada isn't around. We also think he knows "dog" since sometimes when he's sees Sammy, he look at him and saw "daw".
  • Loves trees and is completely fascinated by them, especially when the wind blows and they move.
  • He's growing more hair!!
  • And lastly, as I said before, he is on the go now. Constantly. Always on the move.
Here are a series of pictures for his 10 month update. It's getting really hard now to take a decent one of him on my own.

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