A few weekends ago, I took Anderson to the UC Davis Picnic Day, which is more or less and open house for the school. All the clubs and departments come out and have fun events for the town. We went to a petting zoo (although Anderson was too timid to touch the goat) and watched dog races. We also went to a bug exhibit and took this picture:

Anderson as praying mantis!! Of course you can only do this when they are really young and don't know what's going on. Anderson even has that look on his face as if to say "I don't know what's going on but I'm pretty sure I don't like this!"
The next weekend, his daycare/school had a carnival for the kids. Again, there was another headshot opportunity and you better believe we grabbed it! Here is the series of pictures:
"What's going on? Why am I in this thing?"

"There's Daddy! Daddy help! Ms. Julie, Help!" (Ms. Julie is one of Anderson's teachers)

"Everyone's laughing! There must be something funny!"

Unfortunately he couldn't participate in much again. No face painting, no balloon animals, no sock puppets, and definitely no hot dogs and cotton candy. But he did get to make one of these fierce animal bracelets!

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