This trip was very Anderson oriented as we hit the spots and sights we thought he would really like. We took advantage of the free night at the Chicago Children's museum on Thursday night (as did a lot of people). This was a great museum (albeit kinda crowded) because it's made for kids and I didn't have to worry about things being destroyed or where he was going. It was a place made for kids to climb, explore, tear apart, etc...
If there was one thing he loved, it was this excavation pit. They had bark made of recycled tires and kids could pretend they were digging up a dinosaur. The whole looking for a dinosaur thing was totally lost on Anderson. But he did know that he could play with bark and could dig. Two things he loves to do. Oh, and throwing bark. We literally had to drag him out of here kicking and screaming so he we could check out the other exhibits.
Those carrots aren't real kiddo.
He didn't want to touch anything or get too close to anything in the aquarium except for this. A wall of star fish with people that donated money. He was all over this.
Our last day in Chicago was a beautiful day. So much so that we were able to walk to Millenium Park to see the bean.
Doesn't this kid look great in yellow??
Let me tell you something about Anderson. He loves himself. He truly, truly loves himself. He loves looking at pictures of himself, he loves looking in the mirror and seeing himself, and he really does think he's just about the cutest thing alive (he is). So when he got to the bean, he loved it. It was Anderson all over all the time!