After many weekends of doing errands and working on our own projects, we decided that it was high time to do something for Anderson. Something fun especially for him. We thought maybe an Easter egg hunt might be fun, but after we got to the park for the scheduled Easter egg hunt and there was no hunt to be found, we thought it best to scrap it and go to
Fairytale Town which was in the same park. It was a beautiful day and he had tons of fun running around going from slide to slide, seeing all the different farm animals and just running. The place is geared towards toddlers and kindergarteners so it was the perfect place for him. He had SO much fun and didn't want to leave, but daddy had enough after 1.5 hours (the place isn't that big but we do some slides multiple times) and was getting hungry. And Macau Cafe (a good Chinese restaurant) was just across the street.

I think this one was in the Hiawatha tent...maybe from Peter Pan. This is one of the few pictures with Anderson smiling!

Anderson and daddy looking at the BIG cow! MOO!!!

Driving the tractor.

When you ask Anderson to smile, this is what he does. Sticks his tongue out.

Playing in the crooked mile house, which he did all by himself! The crooked "mile" was just a small sidewalk that when up and down and had some twists and turns. He was a little hesitant about some the the downs and twists and held my hand for some of it, but he did it and was really proud of himself.
And of course there were cut-outs. You all know how I feel about those. This time, I was able to get into the action on some of them.
Why does mommy keep making me do these? They are no fun.
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