As I was trolling around the internet, I happened upon an Ikea hack of a dresser that someone did that turned out really nice. So nice that maybe someday, I might do the same thing (although I do remember browsing the Ikea catalog awhile ago and thinking that I could do something with that dresser). Anyway, this person happens to have her own business, pennypeople designs, that sells these personalized art on etsy. Cute huh? I like it. And at $25 for a 13 x 19 print, it's a good price. But then I checked out shipping: $25!!! Maybe it's because she's in Canada that it's so expensive to ship to the US.

But the more I look at it, it's pretty simple. It's just the name on top and the letters in different colors and sizes underneath. Could I do this? Of course I'd have to send it out to get it professionally printed, but I don't see it being too difficult to whip up in Microsoft publisher or even powerpoint. Thoughts? Ideas? Suggestions?
Those Canadians! All about screwing us. What's that "aboot"?!
You could easily do it with photoshop! At least that's what Jason says. He could do it for you.
Also, I like the previous piece which had the hearts cut out from the scrapbook paper. How about combining the 2? What if "Oliver" was in the patterned paper, and the ABC letters were in solid colors extracted from the pattern.
Too much?
I apologize if I offended any Canadians.
would be fairly simple to make in powerpoint, have it printed on glossy paper, get a frame from any store, then have a custom matte made.
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