Monday, February 8, 2010

4 Jangs and a Dog

Hmm...My new year's resolution of blogging more has not been realized quite yet. Guess I better work on that. But it would be nice if someone held me accountable for keeping this blog up to date (hint hint...It would be nice to get some comments from people other than my mother).

Ok, so I'm still trying to catch everyone up and I left off on Halloween. Well, it was around this time that we got some big news. BIG News. And I'm guessing you've figured out from the title that I should have rethought the blog title name a little more and would have thought that some day in the future that our family might grow from 3.

Well, that day is here! Around October we found that our family of 3 is going to be 4 sometime around June 12, 2010. And not only are we expecting another child, but we are having a girl!

As of today, I am 22 weeks and some change, which means that I a little halfway through. Anderson was a little more than 2 weeks early and I'm hoping that this little girl will follow in her big brother's footsteps. It still blows me away that we're having a little girl. We've had to switch gears from all things boy to now trying to conceptualize the thought of buying little dresses and all things pink.

We've tried to explain to Anderson that mommy is carrying a baby and for awhile we thought that he might understand, but now he is going around lifting up daddy's shirt looking for his baby. And then he lifts his shirt up showing us "Anderson's baby." We've told him that only mommy has a baby and he seems to now say "Mama's baby." We'll see. We know the transition is going to be tough. Real tough. At the sight of us holding or playing with another child, he always comes running over either whining or crying. He's a jealous kid. A friend gave us a doll to mimic as a baby so that he gets used to the sight/idea of us holding another baby. We have yet to try it and I don't know how well it go over. I guess there's only one way to find out....


AKY said...

I have an RSS feed to your blog and read every new post as it comes up. Then I show julie. We are already looking at girl stuff to get the new baby.

Erin said...

Hi friend! I read your blog. I like #9 and #11. I can't wait to see pics of the nursery when it is done.

Best wishes for a happy and healthy rest of your pregnancy!