Sunday, August 17, 2008


What did we do over our summer vacation? We had a baby! Here is the last picture of me pregnant

And our last picture of us as parents to be:
On July 9, 2008 at 4:56am, Anderson William Jang was born, weighing in at 6lbs 13 oz and 19.5 inches long. He came into this world screaming his little head off for a good 10 minutes! Apparently he was not too happy that he was suddenly thrushed into this real world...don't blame you buddy.

From the first time we laid eyes on him, we were smitten and completely in love with our new son. How could you not love this face?

Despite receiving a perfect Apgar Score (already the overachiever!) the little guy had a slight infection and we had to stay in the hospital so he could receive a full course of antibiotics. He also had a slight case of jaundice and the doctors decided to treat it at the hospital since we were staying there anyway. The jaundice treatment is phototherapy where the lights are supposed to break down the bilirubin in his body. To us, it looked like a baby tanning salon: (Wilson thought he looked like he was receiving gamma rays and would turn into the Incredible Hulk)

After 5 long days, he finally received a clean bill of health and we were all able to head home!

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