Friday, December 5, 2008

All I Want For Christmas

Today we took Anderson to see Santa Claus. We were worried that he would fuss and cry through the whole thing but he did fine. We were hoping that he might be able to smile since we was smiling right before, but alas, he did not. Not even when mom and dad were jumping and laughing and yelling.

What did Anderson ask Santa for? Well, we think he might have asked him for his front teeth. I'm not exactly sure but he might be showing signs of teething. I know it's going to happen sooner or later, but I'm not sure if I'm ready to deal with it just yet. It just seemed like things were going well (you know, for a week - which is a really long time in baby time!) and now we might be dealing with this issue.

He also just ate his first bowl of rice cereal today! And he loved it! Seriously loved it. I think the last time he was so excited about something was when he started jumping in his jumperoo on his own. I'll have to post pics and video another time. Looks like this kid was born to eat.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Photography: Take One!

I am no photographer. But I would love to be one. I just want to be able to take amazing pictures of my child. I would love nothing more than to pay a fabulous photographer to capture all his expressions and his cuteness, but ... heh... photographers are expensive. Scratch that. GOOD photographers are expensive. I've looked at enough photographers websites to know from the very first picture if I like them or not. I'm not really into a traditional style of portraits. I love the candid ones taken at home or outside in the park. I've been scouring sites after sites for the past few days to see if I could find one that didn't require a mortgage payment for their packages. The sitting fees are reasonable, but it's the price of the prints that will make you broke.

I also think I'm a little spoiled. A lot of my mommy friends have professional pictures of their child taken and they are simply amazing. AND, a friend of mine is a child photographer who is fabulous at what she does. So much so that I've contemplated hoping on a plane to Seattle just so I could get a photo shoot with her (I've added a link to her blog: Inglin Photography).

So what's a parent to do when they're not sure if they are ready for that type of investment but would still like to capture these moments of their child. Well, they attempt to do it themselves. We have all the equipment. We just have to learn how to use it.

Today is day 1 of me trying to be my child's photographer. It's definitely a work in progress but I think I've done a pretty good job for day 1. I still have a lot to learn as far as camera basics and processing and how to set up a shot. I think we'll try to do some pics of our own, and if we're really that bad at it, we'll turn to the pros.

Oh, and how great is this hat?? Makes me want to run out and buy some more!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

4 months!

Anderson has been 4 months for awhile now but I wanted to make sure I did a 4 month update before he turned 5 months. They grow so much now that I don’t want to forget what happened and the new things he did. It’s such a fun time right now. He’s really interacting with you. He laughs and smiles all the time. He LOVES his jumperoo and goes crazy in it. We’ll often put him in the jumperoo while we eat or do dishes. He doesn’t like to be left alone for too long and will start whining and crying. But does he stop jumping? Nope. He jumps despite his tears. Usually what happens is a mixture of laughter and crying while he’s jumping. It’s pretty cute. And once he sees someone’s face, he’s back to all smiles.

At 4 months we had another well-baby visit and got his stats:

Weight: 14lbs 5oz (40th percentile)
Length: 23.75 inches (10th percentile)
Head Circumference: 41cm (20th percentile)

So he didn’t grow that much, but no one expects him to; again, it’s not like his parents are all that tall. His weight is right on track and he’s packing on the pounds.

Anderson at 4 months: (I realize to non-parents, this is utterly boring but believe me, when you have a child, any new thing they do is BIG news and the most amazing thing you’ve ever seen.)

  • He’s playing with toys now which is really fun. He’ll actually grab and reach for things. I guess he doesn’t really play with them per se. “Playing” is him trying to shove everything in his mouth. His favorite toy by far is his “O” ball since it is so easy to grab. He’ll even hold this with both hands. But since it’s a ball, he gets really frustrated that not more of it can fit in his mouth.

  • He’s constantly sucking these days. Sometimes it’s his fingers, sometimes it’s just his thumb. Sometimes he’ll try to get his whole fist in there. He’s always making himself gag but doesn’t seem to learn (and more importantly nothing has come up from this).

  • He can switch hands! A lot of times he’ll be holding one toy in one hand and sucking on his fingers in the other. Once in awhile, he’ll decide that he wants to suck his other hand and put the toy in the other hand!

  • He sits up very well with support. He can sit in his Bumbo and “play” with his toys.

  • He still loves to read books.

  • His favorite song is “If You’re Happy and you Know it”

  • When lying on his back, he can roll onto his side easily. He’s thisclose to rolling onto his back. I think he can do it. I think the issue is if he wants to do it.

  • On the morning of November 22, 2008 he rolled over for the first time from his tummy to his back. He had done it a couple of times before but I think they were on accident. This time, he really did it on his own and continues to do so. Of course, this makes getting in tummy time difficult because he knows how to get out of it but it’s so fun to watch him roll over and over again.

  • Sleeping is still the same although we are trying to ween him off swaddling. Only one arm is swaddled now.

  • He’s not a very good napper, sleeping only 20-30min at a time. Sometimes he’ll surprise us with an hour nap but it’s rare.

  • We’re not starting solids until he’s 5 months but he did get a little taste of a mashed banana on my finger and seemed to really like it. We held up an apple to his mouth to see if he wanted to suck on it. Uhh….he did not.

Last but not least, his monthly pictures:

Anderson watches football with Wilson and Sundays. Of course he roots for the Chicago Bears!

And him doing the thing he loves to do. Putting toys in his mouth:

Thursday, November 6, 2008


I'm not a Halloween person. I don't enjoy dressing up, nor do I enjoy watching scary movies. In fact, I hate watching scary movies. But this year, I was SO looking forward to Halloween so I could dress up Anderson in his little monkey costume!

The mommy group that I go to had a little Halloween party for all the little babies. It's so funny because all the babies just lay there with this confused look on their face.

One funny thing is that Anderson looks SO much like the baby model for his costume!

For Halloween, we went up to visit our friends Justin and Tenaya and go trick or treating with Belle (4) and Cedar (1). Belle was a fruit bat and Cedar was a bumblebee.

Anderson didn't get any candy. Actually he did get a few pieces but Wilson ate them right away. Halfway during trick or treating, Anderson fell asleep. Cedar was starting to get upset that he didn't get as much candy as he wanted so he went looking for food.

On The Road Again

Earlier this month, we took our first road trip! We decided to visit our friends Brant and Jessica and their daughter Haley down in San Luis Obispo (SLO). Wilson went to school in SLO and Anderson and I were able to visit dad's old stomping grounds (ie where he ate "the whale" burrito). We were nervous for the car ride since it is about a 5 hour drive to get down there. Even more nervous since Anderson was not a fan of his car seat. He'd scream the the entire way from point A to point B. I had read somewhere that some babies just don't like the infant car seat and that upgrading them a little earlier might do the trick. Well, it worked like a charm. He loves his new car seat and so do we. We no longer have to listen to him cry in the car the entire time. In fact, now he doesn't even protest getting in!

In SLO, we went to a park to see Wilson's old boss and meet his two kids. Anderson didn't play much. He just relaxed in his stroller.

Here is a picture of Haley in the park

We went to Firestone for lunch and then walked around downtown for a little while. Drove through the Cal Poly Campus and was amazed at how nice some of the dorms are now. It's everything you imagine a California college campus looking like, down to the beach volleyball court and the European exchange student in his speedo.

It was a really nice weekend away. Anderson got to see the Pacific Ocean for the very first time! Perhaps there'll be more road trips in the future!


There have been numerous times when Wilson and I look over at Anderson and say "Can you believe we have a baby? Can you believe we made him?!" Life. It's truly amazing. It's truly amazing that we can create life. That a year ago, he didn't even exist, and now here he is. A beautiful, happy, healthy bouncing baby boy.

It's unfortunate that it sometimes takes a tragedy to make you realize how lucky you are to have the life that you have. That these gifts that are given to you in life are gifts. We take so many things for granted - our health, health of our family, friends, and children.

Tuesday was a sad day for me. A friend, Heather, lost her baby at 38 weeks due to a cord accident. The cord had wrapped itself around the leg of her daughter, Grace, that cut off circulation to the rest of her body. To say this is an unspeakable tragedy is an understatement to say the least. I am utterly heartbroken for her and her husband. Even more so because the fact that she was even pregnant was a miracle in itself. Due to fertility problems, they were told by countless doctors that it would be next to impossible for them to become pregnant on their own. And yet they did.

I cannot begin to imagine the heartache and pain they feel. I would not know how to get through the next day or even breathe if such a tragic thing like that happened to me. Luckily, she is a strong woman, surrounded by lots of friends and family, and a strong faith in God that is helping her get through this difficult time.

I share this story only because it is stories like these that put life into perspective. Again, it is unfortunate that tragedy forces us to take pause and look at our life in a different light. I think I held my baby for half of the day when I first learned of this news. I am so thankful that he is healthy and that I am able to hold him and see him grow and learn each day. It's times like these that you realize just how fragile and precious life is. I share this story so that you too can take pause and realize how blessed you are to have the people around you.

Friday, October 31, 2008

A Gap Baby (Hopefully)

Last week we entered Anderson into the Gap Baby Casting Call for fun. We had our own little photo shoot and here are the pics we ended up sending in.

Jump Up Jump Up and Get Down!

We recently were lent this jumperoo for Anderson and it is his new favorite toy. He's still a little too small for it since his toes just touch the ground. So we help him jump. But sometimes he is having so much fun he jumps up by himself and I think he's learning how to do it himself! He's a little video of Anderson having fun in the jumperoo.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

All By Myself...

Four full days and three long nights by myself and I survived. Wilson went to Minneapolis for work and I was left to hold down the fort myself. Needless to say, I was scared. I was nervous. I was scared for what Wilson would have to come back to. Would he come back to his wife, knocked out on the floor while Sammy held up Anderson's arms in victory, declaring him the winner? Sadly, this is what I imagined might happen.

Sorry to disappoint, but that scene never took place. Monday was fine. Felt like any other day. Then little by little, I started to fade. Tuesday, I was feeling a little tired but kept up my spirit. Wednesday, I started to count the hours that I had left till Wilson came back. By Thursday, I was waving the white flag. But I survived to live another day.

The best part of this story though is what Wilson did when he got home. As my reward for making it through the week, he treated me to a day at the spa. It was amazing and so relaxing. Definitely what I needed after a long week. Wilson definitely deserves extra brownie points for this. It was extremely thoughtful of him and is one of the many reasons why he's a truly great husband. And a truly great father. It wouldn't be so bad if Anderson turned out exactly like his dad.

Three Months!

It's hard to believe but our little guy is already 3 months old. Officially, he turned 3 months on Oct. 9 but I was so tired and exhausted I didn't get a chance to take his 3 month picture till today. In looking back at his 2 month picture, I can't believe how much he's grown!

As a refresher, here he is a 2 months:
And here he is at 3 months! (I really tried this time to get the same position and ratio so that you can actually see growth. I'm looking at it now and I still need to do a better job at cropping)
I'm not sure if you can really tell from these pictures, but trust me, he's grown!

We haven't officially weighed him at the doctor's office, but I have weighed him on a baby scale and he's around 12.5 lbs. It's always hard to measure his height/length since he's always squirming around but our best estimate (which is measuring him 5 different times and taking the average) is 23.5inches. He graduated out of his 0-3 month clothes about 2 weeks ago and is filling in his 3-6 month clothes quite nicely.

As far as developments/new habits/likes/dislikes, there's been a lot:
  • One of the biggest changes is that he's now moved into our room to sleep at night. Not in our bed, but he sleeps the bassinet of his pack n play at night now. Before, he slept in his nursery, either in the swing/glider chair or crib. When my parents visited, he slept in our room due to sleeping arrangements and found that he slept better. We're guessing that he knows we're there and feels safer. So, he's been there ever since.
  • He's even developed a nighttime schedule! He goes to bed around 8:30pm, wakes up for a feeding between 12:30-1:30am, then again around 5:30-6:30am. Then it's up to him if he wants to wake up for the day or go back to sleep. If he does go back to sleep, then he'll wake up between 7:00-7:30am. This also means that we're getting sleep! We're still tired each day because the sleep is still broken up, but it's a lot better than what we were getting before.
  • A couple of weeks ago, we decided that he was old enough to start learning some things. Some people are lucky that they have babies that were born knowing how to soothe themselves and fall asleep themselves. Not us. Ever since birth, we've been rocking and holding Anderson to sleep for naps and during the night. Putting him to sleep was not a problem. It's just getting him to stay asleep. It would take 5-10 min. to put him to sleep but then we'd have to hold him for another 20-30min. before we could put him down or else he'd wake up and we'd have to start the whole process over again. Even after 20-30min, it wasn't a sure thing that he'd stay asleep. You can imagine how frustrating it is when it's 2am and you've spent the last hour trying to get him to sleep. Most of the time, one of us would just end up sleeping with him on our chest. Anyway, we decided that he should start learning to fall asleep on his own. To our surprise, he took to it right away! We wait to get the "sleep cues", put him down, give him a pacifier (which he only just started taking), put on his Jazz lullaby CD (which I love and would definitely recommend) and pretty soon, he's off to la la land. Naps are a little tougher and he doesn't stay asleep for too long. But at night, he's been sleeping longer because he knows how to put himself to sleep. And if he does wake up and needs help, a little shushing and a belly rub later, he's back asleep. This has seriously changed our lives. Half of my day would be spent either putting him to sleep, or holding him while he slept. Now that I rarely have to do this, I've had much more time to do other things around the house.
  • He LOVES looking at himself in the mirror. LOVES it. He can go from an all out bloody murder wail to a smile once he catches a glimpse of himself. It's pretty cute. Then he'll turn away, bury his face in your chest, then turn back to the mirror to see if he's still there. And again, he'll smile and laugh at himself.
  • I am sure that we, his parents, are the only ones that find this funny, but he's now developed a "poop face." It's kinda this sneer and is sometimes, but not always, accompanied by a little grunt. Ahh...boys will be boys.
  • He loves looking at lights, which is why I sometimes find him staring at the TV if I'm not careful.
  • He loves music. Sometimes we'll just sit together in the morning and listen to songs on my ipod.
  • The one thing I think he hates the most, is his car seat. Sometimes he's fine in it, but most times, he's not. We've tried almost everything. We have a mirror that plays music in front of him for entertainment, we've put a blanket to block out extra stimulation (some kids get overstimulated and can't handle it), loud white noise. We've ordered a convertible car seat and will see if that does the trick. Cross your fingers for us!
I'll end with some pictures we've taken of him recently:

All in the Family

Blogging takes a lot of work. There's taking pictures, uploading them, thinking about what to write about, and thinking of a clever title. At first, I thought it would be fun to have a theme with the titles, like sitcoms. Every episode of "Friends" is titled "The One..." and every episode of "Grey's Anatomy" is a song title. (By the way, the best "Friends" episodes are "The One with all the embyros" and "The One where Ross got high." Trust me. Watch them.) Since I couldn't think of a theme, I just decided to title the posts to whatever struck my fancy.

I know I'm a little behind here on updating and I'm going to try to take advantage of some down time to catch up. Here are some pictures of the both our families when my family was here to visit. We all went out for a big dinner.

Last weekend, Anderson had his first official playdate with his cousin. (It's actually Wilson's cousin's son. I'm not sure if that makes him his first cousin once removed?) Matthew (the baby cousin) is 6 months. Unfortunately, they didn't really play since they are too young. The most interaction they had was to size each other up. Here are pics from the playdate.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I-L-L! I-N-I!

My family came into town this past weekend and they came bearing enough Illinois gear for the next two years. It's all pretty cute and he'll be wearing it this Saturday to support his #22 Illinois football team. And since Illinois and the Chicago Bears are the same colors, he'll probably be wearing some outfits on Sundays too. Here is the little guy rocking some of his new gear. (That's a football wrist rattle on his arm)

With his uncle.

With his grandma.
For those of you not from Illinois, I-L-L, I-N-I is our school's cheer.

Just One of Those Days....

Once you have a child, it seems as though very few things gross you out. You can be puked on (or massive spit up. It's really the same thing), pooped on, peed on and it won't phase you. You'll notice a huge buger in his nose and you'll be dying to get it out, only to realize that his nostrils are too small and your fingers are too big. So you'll just have to wait for that thing to inch it's way out through sneezes. And just for the record, today I received the trifecta. Except that I got thrown up on twice. Yup. Twice. And I had to clean the carpet of puke, and we had to wash the couch cushions because of the poop. Fun times. That's why this post is aptly titled "Just One of Those Days." Did I also mention the meltdown he had before we left the house this morning? And the one in the car on our way home? Yup. Fun times.

Even though I am completely spent and told Wilson after that second episode of throw up that I had had it and he just had to take over for the rest of the night, I still really love being a parent. You realize that your child could do all these things and you're about to pull your hair out at the end of the day, you're covered in someone else's poop, pee and puke, but he smiles at you and everything's okay.

They say that a social smile is a baby's first real milestone and I can understand why. It's when you finally feel like your baby is responding to you and interacting with you for the first time. It's his way of showing emotion and love towards you and quite frankly, it's pretty amazing. It's like one smile and a flash of his one dimple (that he got from me) that makes much of the frustration from today disappear.

Parenthood is tough. There's no sugar coating it. It'll be the hardest thing I'll ever do in my entire life. But it sure is pretty amazing.

On a side note, before we had a baby, Wilson and I only did laundry once a week. And we usually only did one load of whites, one load of colors, and one load of linens. Now, with the addition of one child, whose clothes are very little, it seems as though our laundry demands have tripled! I really had no idea coming in that this little guy would have so much laundry to do.

And on another side note, kids are pretty amazing. Did you know that they can poop so that they get virtually no poop in their diaper, but it's all over their back? (This happened last week.) Or that they can poop sideways so that it shoots out the sides of their diaper? (This happened today.)

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Two Months!

Anderson is 2 months old today! We went for his well-baby visit and got his stats:

Weight: 11 lbs 1oz (35th percentile)
Length: 22.5 inches (35th percentile)
Head Circumference: 37.5cm (10th percentile)

He's growing well and everything looks good. He's a little on the small side but he's very well proportioned. He's happy and healthy and that's all that really matters. He also got his first set of shots which he took very well. It did make him sleepy for most of the day, but if that's the only side effect, I can live with that.

So what is he like at 2 months?
  • He loves being upright, either sitting or standing. Of course we help him. He's also fine chillin in his boppy. He actually hates being held like a baby unless he's tired and wants to go to sleep.
  • He loves being on the changing pad. Which is weird because earlier, he would scream bloody murder if he touched that thing. You would think we were physically harming this child, but we were just changing his diaper.
  • He's also really starting to like his baths!
  • He loves clapping hands (we help with this) and singing songs.
  • He loves playing "Tour de France" (bicycling his legs to help develop muscles)
  • And of course, he smiles and laughs and coos. This is by far the best thing. I only happens a few times a day, but you live for this moments. We even have video of it!

This slide show didn't really turn out the way I wanted to, mainly because I realize that the 1 month picture is much tighter, thus making him actually look bigger than his 2 month. Oh well. I still think it's kinda cool. I'll do a better job next time at being more consistent.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Picture Me Rollin'

The masses has spoken and here are some recent pics of Anderson. He's been getting quite good a holding up his head so we decided to try him out in his Bumbo (an infant seat). Once we put him in there, we were instantly reminded of just how small he is still. It is a bit early for him to sit in it, but seriously, how cute is he in this?

"Picture Me Rollin'

And to add to the cuteness factor, here are some pics of the little angel sleeping.

The biggest development thus far is the little guy is starting to smile! A real, honest to goodness smile. Not the drowsy smile you get with newborns when they are about to sleep, or pass gas. But a real smile and laugh when they see your face. It really is so amazing and you completely forget how tired you are, or how frustrated you were last night because he wouldn't stay asleep for more than 30 min. It's these little moments that melt your heart and you fall in love with him all over again.

Happy Anniversary!

September 4 was our 3rd year Wedding Anniversary. I can't believe it's already been 3 years. And our lives have changed so much. We've both changed careers and am back to the same career we were at before. We've lost a dog and adopted a new one. And of course we had a baby boy.

To celebrate, we kept it pretty low key. We went to eat sushi since I haven't had it in about a year and was finally in the mood for some raw fish. Wilson's mom kindly watched Anderson while we celebrated with dinner by ourselves. Leaving Anderson with someone else for the first time was difficult for me. I've left him plenty of times with Wilson but it's different with anybody outside of us, even if it is family. It was really tough but I know I need to let go.

Marriage for both of us has been really great so far. Not to say it hasn't been work. We're always working on our relationship but I think that's why it's so great. We are very different people with different personalities, interests, thoughts, views, etc... But in the end we've found that these differences help us complement each other. And we've figured out what works for us. To borrow a quote used in one of my favorite blogs Metrodad (which is a hilarious blog about the trials and tribulations of a dad in NYC):

As the great American philosopher Rocky Balboa once said, "I got gaps; you got gaps; we fill each other's gaps."

Monday, September 1, 2008

And the winner is....

A few weeks ago, in a bout that lasted a mere 3 1/2 hours, Anderson defeated Wilson by way of TKO.

I had gone shopping and left Anderson with Wilson. I had been telling Wilson earlier that Anderson had gotten much more fussy in the past weeks but I don't think he really got it until he had to handle it/see it for himself. When I got home from my shopping trip, I came home to find a very frazzled father. I immediately took the baby and started soothing him as Wilson collapsed on the couch in utter defeat.

W: Is he always like this?
Me: At times yes, but not always.
W: This must be the worst you've seen.
Me: Oh no. I've seen him much worse.
W: Really?
Me: Yeah. You didn't last long though. Only 3 hours? That's nothing.
W: I don't know how you do it. You can't get anything done.

So who's the real winner here? ME! Ever since, that weekend, I've gotten a whole lot more respect. Before, Wilson had noted that he was doing most of the chores around the house and that I was hardly doing any of them during the day when I was home. I tried to explain to him that at best, I could get maybe one thing done - like one load of laundry or unload the dishwasher. He asked if I could try a little harder.... This is where I bit my tongue because I know my husband and I knew he wouldn't get it until he experienced it for himself. Now that he's taken care of Anderson by himself a few times, he knows that you really can't do anything else but take care of him. And those few times that you have to do something else, you want to eat, sleep or go to the bathroom.

Now, ever since that fateful day, I am now thanked profusely if I do anything during the day. If he comes home to a load of laundry folded, "Thank you for doing the laundry!" He also tries to finish his work as quickly as he can so that he can come home earlier to give me a break. And those dreams of me making a bilzion dollars so he could be a stay-at-home-dad? Squashed. He had asked me if I had the option to be a stay-at-home-mom, would I do it? I would. I asked him the question right back and he said no. He said that now that he has a glimpse of what it's like, as much as he loves his son more than anything, he doesn't not have the patience or temperament to do it. And he admitted that his respect for me and how I am with the baby has skyrocketed through the roof. He even said that my primary job is to take care of Anderson and anything on top of that is just gravy.

So yes, the real winner here is me.

And for the record, in all matches thus far between Wilson and Anderson, Anderson is undefeated! In matches between Anderson and me, I'd say we're about even. I've won a few, he's won a few.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Everyone Say Cheese!

I'm sure we all know how difficult it is to take pictures of children and animals. They are so unpredictable. We tried taking a picture of 3 children and it didn't work out so well. Our friends Justin and Tenaya and their kids Belle, 3.5 yrs, and Cedar, 10 months, came to visit us and we thought it'd be a great idea to line them all up and take a picture. Belle was a great older sister and offered to help hold Anderson up "because he's just a baby and needs help." (She'd been helping hold him all weekend so she was a pro at it) We didn't get the perfect picture we were hoping to get but I love the series of pictures we did end up with. I think they are too funny:

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Why is your baby so small?

If you can believe it, someone did actually ask me that. It was last week when Anderson was 5 weeks old. Our friends Chad and Shana and their 5 month old son Aaron came to visit us. We all went out to lunch where the hostess ooh and awwed over our babies and asked us how old they were. Again, more oohing and awwing. Lunch went pretty well, but towards the end, Anderson started fussing and so I picked him up and started walking. Since the entrance to the restaurant where everyone waits was empty, I started pacing there as he started calming down. Then the hostess comes to see my baby again and I am happy to oblige since no mother can ever get enough of someone telling her how cute her baby is. But then she says "Why is your baby so small?" I respond, "Oh, he's only 5 weeks." To which she then replies, "I know. But why is your baby so small??" I look at her befuddled and very offended! Don't talk about my baby like that! He is not too small! I quickly responded that he was born 2.5 weeks early, a response she seemed satisfied with, and quickly left. If you're going to insult my baby, then you can no longer look at him!!

The funny thing is, I think my baby is so big now! And that every other baby I see has come from the land of the Jolly Green Giant.

Case in point - Aaron, Chad and Shana's son, looks huge to me. Yes, I understand that he is 4 months older than Anderson and a normal sized baby and maybe even a little tall for his age. Look at how small my guy looks compared to Aaron. I'm also seeing how tan he looks!

Here's one pic of father and son:

Oh, and by the way, my baby is not small. You're just too big!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

One Month

It's hard to believe that a month has already gone by and that our boy is growing so fast. He's literally changing right before our eyes. Must be all that HGH that's coursing through his veins....

So what's he like these days? He loves looking around at things and people. He loves being upright and on the move which proves to be somewhat ti
resome on his parents at times. His favorite songs so far are "I'm a little teapot" and "When you're happy and you know it."

He's definitely a boy as he burps and farts loud. It's surprising to hear such a loud noise come out of someone so small! In the beginning, he used to turn on his sprinkler many times during diaper changes but luckily, that has died down quite a bit. It happened so frequently that we had to put down a small rug around the changing station which we dubbed "The Splash Zone".

As you can s
ee from his recent pics, he's filled out quite a bit and our boy is getting chubby!