Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Growth Report I

One of the nice things about being at a daycare center is that it is very much treated like a school. We get a daily report of what he ate, drank, pooped and how much he slept. It might be overkill but it is nice to know what went on during the day.

This past week, we received his first report card. Or "Growth Report" as they call it. It's for Infant -18 months and they evaluate his skills and see if he is developing on schedule or in the normal range. Here is his report (and my comments in italics):

Language and Literacy: Anderson laughs out loud and is able to smile at his teachers. Anderson responds to his name and is able to follow objects with his eyes from side to side, focusing both eyes at the same time. (He definitely laughs out loud and will smile at pretty much everybody. He'll respond to his name if he isn't too busy chomping on his toys or trying to get the remote control.)

Wellness: Anderson is able to roll from his side to his back and is able to sit with support. (He is still only rolling towards one side and I've only seen him roll the other way once or twice. And he can sit up without support, but like I said in the previous post, if he leans too much one way, he'll end up rolling on the floor.) Anderson reaches for toys and is able to hold and shake a rattle. (Chewing a rattle is more like it)

The World and Me: Anderson expresses his feelings by making sounds. (This is my FAVORITE comment! What a PC way to say that my child screams when he's pissed, squeals and laughs when's happy, cries when he's annoyed or tired, and a dozen other noises for everything in between. He "makes sounds." Love it.) He notices strangers that come inside the room and eats baby food from a spoon.

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