Friday, July 17, 2009

Chicken Tikka Masala

You may have seen that I mentioned this as one of Anderson's favorite dishes. Well, it's one of Wilson and my favorite dishes too! At least as of late. It's not a big secret that I'm really into blogs. Like really into them. Now that I'm using Google Reader (and if you're not, I highly suggest you do), it's even easier to keep up with all your blogs! Most of my blogs are on cooking and decorating and pop culture. But it was on one of my cooking blogs (Pioneer Woman) that I found this recipe for Chicken Tikka Masala. Not only is it super easy, but you'll seem like a genius when your friends and family take that first bite.

Here it is for your eating pleasure: Chicken Tikka Masala by Pastor Ryan

We follow the recipe pretty much to a tee. I don't have tumeric on hand so I just used curry powder (which does have tumeric in it) as a substitute. It's a well known fact that Wilson and I are huge spice and heat lovers, but we do not add any jalapenos in the recipe so that our little boy can eat this dish too. (You can add it on your own serving later on if you really need it)

Hope you all like it as much as we do. If you make it, let me know what you think.

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